Firefox 24.8.1 Beta3

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(EN) News about OS/2, eCS and the OS/2 Forum
Frank Wochatz
Beiträge: 1134
Registriert: So 22. Dez 2013, 22:04
Wohnort: Berlin

Firefox 24.8.1 Beta3

Beitrag von Frank Wochatz »

Bitwise Works hat Firefox 24.8.1 Beta 3 freigegeben.

Hier der vollständige Newsletter:
bww bitwise works GmbH progress update December 30, 2014

We are proud to announce our latest Firefox for eCS (OS/2) 24.8.1 Beta3.

This is the third beta release of Firefox for eCS (OS/2) version 24. It contains a fix for exceptq. The last beta broke the possibility to produce trp files when firefox crashes.

For the complete announcement please have a look at Firefox for eCS (OS/2) 24.8.1 Beta3

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With regards, the bww bitwise works GmbH Team